Rowing and KBS

CrossFit ATR – CrossFitMetcon (Time)50 Cal Row 25 RKBS (53/35) 40 Cal Row 20 RKBS 30 Cal Row 15 RKBS 20 Cal Row 10 RKBS 10 Cal Row 5 RKBS *EMOM= 3 Burpees

S2OH and Pistols

CrossFit ATR – CrossFitSkill DevelopmentPistol Progressions + Ankle MobilityMetcon (Time)10 Rounds 7 S2OH (135/85) 14 Pistols (7/leg) Sub for 16 Pistols: 20 MB Jump Squats16 minute timecap

“Tin Man”

CrossFit ATR – CrossFitPower Clean (EMOM x 10)Increasing weight as form permits. Must also perform 5 Pushups immediately following your clean.Tin Man (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)20 minute AMRAP of: 5 Bench Press @ BW 5 Power Cleans @ BW

EMOMin’ again

CrossFit ATR – CrossFitBack Squat (Build to a Heavy Double)14 minutesMetcon (AMRAP – Rounds)5 Rounds EMOM 7 Back Squats (185/125) 5 Rounds EMOM 14 Lateral Burpees Over Bar 5 Rounds EMOM 18/16 Calories on RowerScore: Successful Rounds...

Next week starts anew

CrossFit ATR – Barbell ClubNew program starting this week, but first, a few testersBack Squat (Build to 1RM)18 minutes. Use a thorough warmup.High-Hang Snatch (Build up to a 2RM)14 minutes. Straps permitted.Overhead Squat (5×2 @ 2RM High Hang Snatch)12...