The Push

CrossFit ATR – CrossFitWarm-upMetcon (No Measure)Run 400 20 Cobras (2.5) 3 Sided Plank (x2) (:30 each side) :25 / :10 Sec Hollow Hold (x3) Banded Lateral Walking 15 GHD Hip Ext. 15 Banded T (x2) 15 Ext Rot w/ Press (x2)MetconMetcon (AMRAP – Reps)1 Minute...

Fun twist to OLY

CrossFit ATR – CrossFitWarm-upSkill DevelopmentThe warm-up today will be based around core and shoulder stability.Pause SnatchSnatch, with pause at a specified point.EMOM 10: 1 Pause Snatch Just above the kneesMetconMetcon (Weight)5 Rounds: 30 Double Unders 1...

Back and Forth

CrossFit ATR – CrossFitWeightliftingBack Squat (5×5 @ 80%)Superset each of the 5 working sets with 10 Dumbbell Rows each arm (AHAP)MetconMetcon (AMRAP – Rounds)Death by Shuttle Sprints2 cones will be placed 10 yards apart. Every minute on the...

Intro to stones

CrossFit ATR – CrossFitSkill ReviewAtlas Stone to ShoulderBe sure to bring long sleeves!MetconMetcon (Time)6 Rounds: Row 300 3 Stone to Shoulder (TBD) 6 Dips 9 WTD Sit-ups (50/30) RX+ Ring Dips RX Bar Dips

We’re Back!

CrossFit ATR – Barbell ClubTime to start focusing on the California State Games. The time to register, pick a weight, and get on a program is now.Snatch Grip Push Press (5×2, build up in weight)Snatch Balance (Heavy Single)Should finish heavier than your...