Squat Day

CrossFit ATR – CrossFitPaused Front Squat (1RM)7 seconds at bottom, 15 seconds at top- NO BELTS. 12 minutes.Paused Front Squat (3×3 @ 80%)7 seconds at bottom, 15 seconds at top, every rep- NO BELTS. We will do each set on the clock, every 3...

Partner Workout!

CrossFit ATR – CrossFitWeighted Pull-ups (3-3-2-2-1-1-1-2-2-3+-3+)This is a reverse pyramid style. Go down the same way you built up in weight/difficulty. E.g. 30×3, 35×3, 40×2, 45×2, 50×1, 55×1, then back down 50×1, 45×2,...

Week 8- California State Games Buildup

CrossFit ATR – Barbell ClubSnatch (10×2)Every 2 minutes, together. Building up to 90+% for the last set.Clean and Jerk (8×2)Every 3 minutes, together. Building up to 90+% for the last set.Front Squat (Heavy Single)then 5×3 @ 85% of...


CrossFit ATR – CrossFitThis is one of the toughest Rx WODs to date. That isn’t a reason to skip class. Don’t say, “I can’t do this Rx, so I’ll see you Monday.” Few will do Rx, but this will be a great workout scaled. A great...