Front Squats, Box Jumps, Rowing

CrossFit ATR – CrossFitDon’t underestimate this one. Trust us, it’s good.Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)5 x 3-minute Rounds of: 10 Front Squats (155/105) 10 Box Jumps (24/20) Max Cal Row3 minute rest between rounds. Your score is the total calories...

Fortius Open is today!

CrossFit ATR – Barbell ClubSo we’re testing our consistencySnatch (8×1 @ 90%)Every 2 minutes for 8 setsClean and Jerk (5×1 @ 90%)Every 2 minutes over 5 setsFront Squat (2×2 @ the heaviest you could go)


CrossFit ATR – CrossFitCrossFit Games Open 17.5 (Time)10 rounds for time of: 9 thrusters 95# / 65# 35 double-unders *40 minute time cap


CrossFit ATR – Barbell ClubSnatch Balance (Build to a Heavy Single)Together, increasing weight every 2 minutes for 8 sets. Last set should be over your 1RM Snatch.Snatch Pull (5×3 @ 80-90%)5 Point Pause PullsClean + 2 Jerks (Build to a Heavy...