Retest! PR City

CrossFit ATR – CrossFitThanksgiving week schedule: Monday & Tuesday normal: (We will be retesting both days!) Wednesday: 6am-1pm Thuesday: 8-10 am (1 Wod at 8am) Friday: 9:30 and 10:30 ClassesWeightliftingThe time has come!Back Squat (20 Minutes to...

Week 4

CrossFit ATR – Barbell ClubSnatch Balance (Commit a Heavy Sin)Build up every 2 minutes, together for 8 sets.Snatch (1 @ 89% every 2 minutes x 8)Providing that you made 7/8 Snatches or more last week. Week 1 – 80% Week 2 – 83% Week 3...

Ride the Wave

CrossFit ATR – CrossFitThanksgiving week schedule: Monday & Tuesday normal: (We will be retesting both days!) Wednesday: 6am-1pm Thuesday: 8-10 am (1 Wod at 8am) Friday: 9:30 and 10:30 ClassesAccessory Work4 x 10 American KBS (AHAP with proper form)...

Tempo squats and a complex

CrossFit ATR – CrossFitWeightliftingBack Squat (4-4-4-4-4 (Tempo 42×0))Metcon (Weight)E2MOM x 7: (finding your heaviest unbroken set) 5 Deadlifts 3 Hang Squat Cleans 1 ThrusterMetcon1000m Row (Time)Max Effort 1000m Row