Recovery WOD

CrossFit ATR – CrossFitMetcon (No Measure)8 Rounds: (:30 on :30 off) Calories Row Into: 14 Min AMRAP: 10 Bar Dips 20 Ring Rows 30 Russian Twists Into: Mobility the remainder of class

Deads and a Metcon

CrossFit ATR – CrossFitDeadlift (Touch and Go 5×5)5 @ 55% 5 @ 60% 5 @ 65% 5 @ 70% 5 @ 75%Metcon (Time)For Time: 20 Barbell Lunges (135/95) 40 Hand Release Push-ups 800 Meter Run 40 Hand Release Push-ups 20 Barbell Lunges...

Double Metcon

CrossFit ATR – CrossFit (No Measure)Core/Hip Stability WorkAnnie (Time)50-40-30-20-10 Double-unders Sit-upsMetcon (Time)7 Rounds: 8 Pull-Ups 100 Meter Sprint


CrossFit ATR – CrossFitDeadlift (5-5-5-5-5)Metcon (Time)For Time: 20 Alternating Lunges (135/95) 40 Hand Release Push-ups 800 Meter Run 40 Hand Release Push-ups 20 Alternating Lunges (135/95)

Tempo Squats and a Ladder

CrossFit ATR – CrossFitTempo Squats (3-3-3-3)Tempo 23x0Metcon (Time)Complete Ascending Ladder 1-10: Squat Cleans (135/95) HSPU *After each round complete: 5 Wall Balls (30/20) *Surprise timecap