CrossFit ATR – CrossFit

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– 3:00 ECHO Bike OR Row

– 8E 90/90 Shin Box Rotations

– 8E Quadruped Thoracic Rotations

– 8E Alternating Toe Touch in Plank

Then, perform 3 Rounds of the following:

– 6E Alternating Front Rack Rotations

– 6 Barbell Good Morning

– 6 Alternating BTN Shoulder Press to Shoulder Press (2nd Round: Push Press, 3rd Round: Push Jerk)

– 6 Tall Muscle Clean (2nd Round: A/K Muscle Clean, 3rd Round: A/K Power Clean)

Strength/Skill: Barbell Cycling (6 Rounds for reps)

6 Sets: 1:00 AMRAP (1:00 REST)

Set 1: :30 Double DB Farmers Hold (50/35) + AMRAP Hang Power Clean (135/95)

Set 2: :30 Double DB Overhead Hold (50/35) + AMRAP Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)

Set 3: :30 Double DB Farmers Hold (50/35) + AMRAP Hang Power Clean (155/105)

Set 4: :30 Double DB Overhead Hold (50/35) + AMRAP Shoulder to Overhead (155/105)

Set 5: :30 Double DB Farmers Hold (50/35) + AMRAP Hang Power Clean (185/125)

Set 6: :30 Double DB Overhead Hold (50/35) + AMRAP Shoulder to Overhead (185/125)
* Level 3: RX

* Level 2: DB (35/25), Barbells (115/85 – 135/95 – 155/105)

* Level 1: DB (25/15), Barbells (75/55, 95/65, 115/85)

* Athlete Notes: DBs should be at a weight where you can keep your arms locked out overhead or hanging on for the entirety of the :30 Hold. Move immediately into the barbell movement knowing transition times are going to realistically give you :20 to work on the barbell after picking it up or getting it racked.

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)

18:00 Alternating EMOM

Minute 1: 16/13 Calorie Row

Minute 2: 8 Single Arm Alternating Devils Press (50/35)

Minute 3: 50’ Single Arm DB Overhead Walking Lunge (50/35)

Minute 4: 16 HSPU

Minute 5: 50’ HS Walk

Minute 6: REST
* Level 3: RX

* Level 2: 14/11 Calorie Row, DB (35/25), 12 HSPU (w/Ab-Mat if necessary), 25’ HS Walk

* Level 1: 12/9 Calorie Row, DB (25/15), 8-12 Pike HSPU off Box, 50’ Bear Crawl OR 3 Wall Walks (Half-ROM if necessary)

* Athlete Notes: Each station should take no longer than :50 with the HSPU and HS Walk potentially being the quickest stations. Calorie Row should be performed at an aggressive but NOT sprint pace. Keep your SA Devils Press reps smooth transferring the DB in hand before placing it on the floor. Overhead Walking lunges are performed with one arm overhead for 25’, then switching arms on the way back. HSPU should be viewed as completing unbroken or in no more than 2 quick sets. If you DO NOT think that could be possible, consider a scaling option. HS Walk is performed as 25’ down and 25’ back. Be determined to kick right back up after completing your first 25’. Score is rounds completed at your particular scaling option. 15 total rounds is the top score. Example: If you came up short on one round of HS walking, your score would be 14 Rounds RX.


Minute 1: :20E Eagle in Saddle

Minute 2: :20E Lizard + Half Kneeling Hamstring (R)

Minute 3: :20E Lizard + Half Kneeling Hamstring (L)