CrossFit ATR – CrossFit

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– 2:00 Ski OR Row (1:00 EASY, :40 Moderate, :20 Hard)

– 5E Alternating Scorpions

– 5 Yoga Push-Ups w/Pause in Updog/Downdog

– 5E World’s Greatest Stretch

Then, perform 3 Rounds of the following:

– 5E Single Arm DB Arnold Press

– 5E Staggered Stance DB Goblet Good Morning

– 10E Deadbug

Strength/Skill (Weight)

Every 1:15 for 10 Alternating Sets (12:00-25:00)

Set 1: 6 DB Push Press w/:05 Eccentric

Set 2: 6E Single Leg Double DB RDL w/:05 Eccentric

*Score as combined DB weight

* Athlete Notes: Use a DB heavier than you could strict press for this rep scheme. The goal is to help drive the DB overhead using your legs, but then control the eccentric ALL THE WAY to the shoulder. It is VERY important that you maintain control as close to touching the shoulder as possible. Use the same weight and perform your SL RDLs with the set of DBs.

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

15:00 AMRAP (35:00-50:00)

– 9 Deadlifts (225/155)

– 12 Bar Facing Burpee

– 15/12 Calorie Ski

* Level 3: RX

* Level 2: Barbell (185/125), 12/9 Calorie Ski

* Level 1: Barbell (135/95), No Push-Up Burpee, 12/9 Calorie Ski

* Goal: 5+ Rounds

* Athlete Notes: Deadlifts are at a weight and rep range where these could be performed unbroken for the entirety of the workout. Burpees should be taken at a smooth steady pace so as not to spike the heart rate before moving on to the ski. Ski should also be at a moderate pace that allows you to complete hard pulls but take time to breathe and recover between strokes.



Minute 1: :45 Lizard (R)

Minute 2: :45 Lizard (L)

Minute 3: :20E Twisted Cross

Minute 4: :20E Thread the Needle