CrossFit ATR – CrossFit

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1 Round:

– 2:00 ECHO Bike (2X: :30 Easy, :20 Moderate, :10 Hard)

– 20’ Quad Stretch w/Reach

– 20’ Knee Hug w/Inverted Toe Touch

– 20’ Hip Cradle

– 20’ Samson Lunge

– 20’ Duck Walk

Then, perform 2 Rounds of the Following:

– 12 Front Raise w/Change Plates

– 12 Cuban Press w/Change Plates

– 12 Bent Over Fly w/Change Plates

– 12E Deadbug w/Change Plates


Back Squat (6 x 5 @55% + 10lbs (Speed))

* Athlete Notes: Perform a set every 1:45. Execute Back Squats with a focus on speed. This does NOT mean diving into the bottom of your back squat. You should control the descent like normal, but stand up with as much speed as possible.


Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)

4 Sets: 3:00 AMRAP (REST 2:00 between Sets):

– 20/15 Calorie ECHO Bike

– 15 T2B

– AMRAP Squat Snatch w/65% 1RM
* Level 3: RX

* Level 2: 18/14 Calorie ECHO Bike, 12-15 T2B/Knee Raise

* Level 1: 15/12 Calorie ECHO Bike, 9-12 T2B/Knee Raise

* Goal: 30+ Snatches Total

* Athlete Notes: Move at a pace that will allow you to get off the Bike <1:15. Doing this should allow you the ability to get over to the pull-up bar and perform in no more than 2 sets and still finish with 1:20+ left to complete snatches. Completing a snatch every :10 for 1:20 will get you 8 reps each set and put you right on target with the goal. If you find yourself finishing the work prior to the snatches with less than :45 to work on the barbell, you need to consider a scaling option. We are trying to accumulate volume snatching at a moderate weight relative to your 1RM under metabolic stress. You are missing the point of this piece if you finish each set with 2 or 3 snatches.


Minute 1: :20E Twisted Cross

Minute 2: :20E Thread the Needle

Minute 3: :45 Hero Pose