CrossFit ATR – CrossFit

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1 Round:

– 1:30 Row

– 15 Scapular Pull-Ups

Then, 3 Rounds of the following:

– 5E Single Arm KB Suitcase Deadlift + 25’ Farmer Carry ®

– 5E Single Arm KB Suitcase Deadlift + 25’ Farmer Carry (L)

– 5 Strict T2B/Knee Raises (2nd + 3rd: Kipping)


Metcon (5 Rounds for reps)

15:00 EMOM (12:00-27:00)

– Minute 1: 18/14 Calorie Row

– Minute 2: 100’ Farmer Carry (70/53) + Max Effort Unbroken T2B Set

– Minute 3: REST

*Score: Total unbroken T2B for each round

* Level 3: RX

* Level 2: 15/12 Calorie Row, KB Carry (53/35) + Knee Raises

* Level 1: 12/9 Calorie Row OR :45 AMRAP, KB Carry (35/26) + Knee Raises
* Athlete Notes: Calories should be set to an amount that you can finish in under :45. Farmer Carry should be performed very quickly and in :10-:15 to allow plenty of time to complete a large set of T2B. The farmer carry is there to tax the grip slightly before having to complete T2B.


Metcon (5 Rounds for reps)

2:00 AMRAP X 5 Sets (35:00-55:00)

30 Lateral Burpee Over Bar

AMRAP Deadlift

– Round 1: 315/225

– Round 2: 275/185

– Round 3: 225/155

– Round 4: 185/125

– Round 5: 135/95

* Level 3: RX

* Level 2: 24 Burpees, Barbell (55-47-40-32-25% 1RM)

* Level 1: 18 Burpees, Barbell (55-47-40-32-25% 1RM)
* Athlete Notes: Burpees should be able to be performed in <1:30 to allow a very minimal time to get on your barbell and hang on for reps. There is a sense of urgency being placed on the opening movement to then challenge your ability to cycle different loads on a barbell. Lateral burpees are chosen because they have the highest cycling rate, allowing you to stay low in your transitions and knock them out quickly.



– Minute 1: :45 Pretzel (R)

– Minute 2: :45 Pretzel (L)

– Minute 3: :20E Twisted Cross