CrossFit ATR – CrossFit

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1.) 2 Rounds (0:00-8:00)

– 1:00 Row

– 8E Knee Hug to Inverted Toe Touch

– 8E Samson Lunge w/Lateral Flexion (Arms OH, ribcage down, lean to the side of front leg)

– 8E Single Arm KB Press + 30’ Overhead Carry (SLOW)

2a.) Snatch Specific Warm-Up: (10:00-18:00)

– Coach-led Snatch Warm-Up w/PVC or Barbell

* Allow 7:00 for building in weight to 70%.


Snatch (Every :45 for 12 Sets)

2b.) Every :45 for 12 Sets (25:00-34:00)

– 1 Snatch w/60-70%

* See workout notes below.

* Allow 8:00 for weight adjustment on the athlete’s barbells and E.S.D brief.


Metcon (Time)

3.) (42:00-54:00)

5 Rounds for Time:

– 12 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)

– 15/12 Calorie Row

* Time Cap: 12:00

* Level 4 (RX+): 15 BBJO, 20/15 Calorie Row

* Level 3: RX

* Level 2: 12 BBJO, 15/12 Calorie Row

* Level 1: 12 No Push-Up Burpee Box Step Over, 12/9 Calorie Row

* See workout notes below.
* Spend 3:00 allowing the athletes to clean up and get ready for ADAPTATION.


5.) 3:00 EMOM (56:00-60:00)

Minute 1: :20E Couch

Minute 2: :20E Twisted Cross

Minute 3: :45 Puppy Pose


S.F.P. Notes:

Set your back, BUILD speed off the floor, and pull/punch under the bar quickly. Feel free to keep the weight on the lighter side or increase weight 5% every 4 sets.

E.S.D. Notes:

Stay at a smooth and methodical pace on the BBJO so that you can maintain consistent or faster paces on the row as you progress from round to round. Leave some gas in the tank for the final round to finish strong.