CrossFit ATR – CrossFit
1a.) Before Class Hour
– Foam Roll: T-Spine/Lat/Hamstring/Calf
– Side Lying Thoracic Windmill: 2 X 8E
– Single Leg Stand: 2 X :30E (Eyes closed if possible)
1.) 1 Round (0:00-15:00)
– 2:00 Machine of Choice
– 50’E Lateral Banded Monster Walk (Hip Circle or X-Band under feet)
– 15E Deadbug
– 12E Half Kneeling Banded Lat Pulldown
– 8 KB Goblet Narrow Stance Squats
– 5 T-Inchworm w/Push-Up
* In the time remaining, demo any movement and explain S.F.P. Allow athletes to prepare and start no later than the 15:00 mark.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)
2.) Skill: Every 2:00 for 8 Alternating Sets (15:00-31:00)
2a.) Set 1:
– 15 V-Ups, OR GHD Sit-Ups
– 2 Rope Climb
2b.) Set 2:
– 30 Double Unders
– 3 Wall Walk
* Level 3: RX
* Level 2: 10 V-Ups/GHD + 1 RC, 15 DU + 1-2 Wall Walk
* Level 1: 10-15 Sit-Ups + 1 Lying to Stand RC, Single Unders + 1-2 Half ROM Wall Walk or Inchworm
* See workout notes below.
* Allow 6:00 to brief the next portion of class and for athletes to prepare for E.S.D.
Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)
3 Sets: 3:00 AMRAP (2:00 REST) (37:00-52:00)
– 8 Burpee Box Jump Over (24″/20″)
– 12 Alternating DB Snatch (50/35)
– 16 Air Squats
* Goal: 72+ reps (2+ Rounds) per set
* Level 4 (RX+): Alternating Pistols (Replacing Air Squats)
* Level 3: RX
* Level 2: DB (35/25)
* Level 1: No Push-Up Burpee Box Step Over, DB (25/15)
* See workout notes below.
* Allow 3:00 for athletes to put away equipment and gather for adaptation.
4.) (55:00-60:00)
Minute 1: :45 Couch (R)
Minute 2: :45 Couch (L)
Minute 3: :20E Cat/Cow Transitions
Minutes 4-5: Shavasana
S.F.P. Notes:
Intervals should take no longer than 1:15-1:30 to allow athletes enough time to switch back and forth and not feel panicked. Split the class into multiple groups and have them stagger start if needed.
E.S.D. Notes:
Movements and rep ranges are set so that athletes can move at a moderate-hard effort and not have to slow down. It should be 3:00 of continuous moving knowing it is followed by a 2:00 REST period. BBJO should be performed controlled, and at a steady pace. DB Snatches should be performed rep after rep with little to no hesitation between. Air Squats (or pistols) should be performed in a quick fashion but NOT as a sprint before having to get right back on for BBJO.
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