CrossFit ATR – CrossFit
1a.) Before Class Hour
– LAX Ball: Trap/Pec/Rhomboids (Scap)
– Prone Single Arm Reach-Roll-Lift: 10E (Slow + Controlled)
– Half Kneeling Single Arm Banded Face Pull: 2 X 15E (w/:02 Pause)
1b.) 1 Round (0:00-15:00)
– 2:00 Ride/Row (Build In Pace every :20)
– 15 Scapular Pull-Ups
– 12 Alternating Lateral Lunge
– 10 Push-Up to Alternating Toe Touch
– 8E Single Arm Ring Row
* Use the rest of the time to brief S.F.P, demo movement, and allow athletes to warm-up their Bench Press.
2.) Bench Press/Row: Every 3:00 for 5 Sets (15:00-30:00)
– 4 Bench Press (w/75%+ Building)
– 8-12 Inverted Row
– EASY Bike/Walk for remainder of interval
* See workout notes below.
* Allow 6:00 for athletes to break down equipment, brief E.S.D, demo any movements and to get ready to start.
Bench Press
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)
15:00 Alternating EMOM: (36:00-51:00)
Minute 1: 6 Renegade Row (35/25) (
Minute 2: 6 Curtis P w/DBs (35/25) (
Minute 3: :15 MAX EFFORT Bike SPRINT
* Level 3: RX
* Level 2: 5 Reps of DB movements (25/15)
* Level 1: 4 Reps of DB movements (Push-Ups performed on knees) (15/10)
* See workout notes below.
* Allow an additional 5:00 for athletes to put away equipment and meet for adaptation.
4.) (56:00-60:00)
Minute 1: :20E Banded Lat + Banded Bicep (R)
Minute 2: :20E Banded Lat + Banded Bicep (L)
Minute 3: :20E Eagle in Saddle
Minute 4: :45 Down/Up Dog Transitions
S.F.P. Notes:
Bench Press should start at the same weights than the previous week (06.27.22) that you moved for your opening set of 3 but this time we are looking to squeeze in an extra rep. Build in weight over the course of the 5 sets to find a heavy set of 4 if you feel like you want to progress in weight and have the ability to do so. When finished with your bench press, slide your bench out of the way and perform an inverted row on the same barbell making sure you achieve a locked out elbow at the bottom and your chest touching the bar at the top. After completing your bench press and inverted row, move to a bike (preferred) or walk at a slow pace for the remainder of the interval.
E.S.D. Notes:
Score is calories generated for the 4 rounds. Renegade Rows and Curtis P’s are to be performed with weight that you have absolute control over and feel you could do 1.5-2X the amount of reps per round if needed. For Renegade Rows, you are performing a total of 2 push-ups and 1 Single Arm Row per rep. If performing RX this would mean a total of 12 push-ups and 6 Single Arm Row per side within the minute. For Curtis P’s, you are performing 1 DB Power Clean, 1 Reverse Lunge per Side, and 1 Push Press. If performing RX this would mean a total of 6 DB Power Cleans, 12 Reverse Lunges, and 6 Push Press.
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