CrossFit ATR – CrossFit

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1a.) Before Class Hour

– Foam Roll: T-Spine/Lat/Hamstring/Calf

– Side Lying Thoracic Windmill: 2 X 8E

– Single Leg Stand: 2 X :30E (Eyes closed if possible)


1.) 1 Round (0:00-15:00)

– 2:00 Ski/400M Run (Increase pace every :30)

– 25’ Quad w/Reach

– 25’ Knee Hug to Inverted Toe Touch

– 25’ Hip Cradle

– 25’ Straight Leg Raise

– 25’E Crossover w/Reach

– 25’ Samson Lunge w/Lateral Flexion

– 25’ Reverse Lunge w/Twist

* With the remaining time, demo the movements and brief the flow for the E.S.D piece. Allow athletes to grab water and get situated.


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)


32:00 Alternating EMOM: (15:00-47:00)

Minute 1: 13/10 Calorie Ski

Minute 2: 20 Ab-Mat Sit-Ups (or 15 GHD Sit-Ups)

Minute 3: 12 Double KB Racked Lunge OR 50’ KB Racked Walking Lunge (53/35)

Minute 4: :45 AMRAP Shuttle Runs (25’ Down + 25’ Back is 1 Rep)

* Level 3: RX

* Level 2: 10/8 Calorie Ski, 15 Sit-Ups OR 10 GHD Sit-Ups, KBs (35/26)

* Level 1: :45 Active Ski, 10 Sit-Ups OR 10 Half-ROM GHD Sit-Ups, KB Goblet Lunge (35/26)

* See workout notes below.
* Allow 4:00 for athletes to put away equipment and prepare for Accessory work.



For Time: (51:00-55:00)

– 150 Russian Twists w/WB (14/10)

* Time Cap: 4:00

* Allow 2:00 to transition into Adaptation.


4.) (57:00-60:00)

Minute 1: :45 Lizard (R)

Minute 2: :45 Lizard (L)

Minute 3: :45 Seated Forward Fold


E.S.D. Notes:

Each station should take no longer than :45-:50 to allow time to get back on to the next movement. Sit down to initiate your pull on the ski. Keep your abmat sit-ups smooth with the mindset to use this movement and minute to focus on regulating your heart rate through strategic and controlled breathing. Support the KBs in whatever way is most comfortable for you but athletes can choose to do them in place or perform a walking lunge depending on space available and class size. Shuttle Runs should be performed at a steady pace and NOT treated as a sprint until the end of this piece. Score is the total amount of shuttle runs.