
Murph WOD and BBQ on Monday 5/30: We are running 4 heats staggered every 30 minutes (9:30am, 10:00am, 10:30am, 11:00am). There will be a 25 MEMBER limit on each heat. Your friends and families CAN workout in your heat. This means there will potentially be more than 25 people in each heat but will give us a rough limit on athletes. You, as a MEMBER, MUST register for a time slot. REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN on 5/30 for the heats. 

CrossFit ATR – CrossFit

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1a.) Before Class Hour

– LAX Ball: Trap/Pec/Rhomboids (Scap)

– Prone Single Arm Reach-Roll-Lift: 10E (Slow + Controlled)

– Half Kneeling Single Arm Banded Face Pull: 2 X 15E (w/:02 Pause)


1b.) 1 Round (0:00-12:00)

– 1:00 Ski/Row (Build In Pace every :20)

– 15 Scapular Pull-Ups

– 12 Alternating Shoulder Taps in Plank

– 8 Push-Up Plus (Full ROM Push-Up w/Scapular Abduction/Flexion/Protraction at top)

– 8E Single Arm Ring Row

* Use the rest of the time to brief S.F.P, demo movement, and allow athletes to prepare


2.) Bench Press/Pull-up: Every 2:00 for 8 Sets (12:00-28:00)

Sets 1-4: 5 Tempo Bench Press w/50-60% 1RM (Tempo: 30X1)

Sets 5-8: 5 Strict Pull-Ups w/:03 Eccentric

* Level 3 (Pull-Ups): RX

* Level 2 (Pull-Ups): Jumping/Kipping Pull-Up + Negative

* Level 1 (Pull-Ups): :05 Negative Strict Banded Pull-Up or Low Bar w/Feet on Ground

* See workout notes below.

* Allow 4:00 for athletes to grab water and prepare for E.S.D.

Tempo Bench


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

3.) War Machine

12:00 AMRAP: (32:00-44:00)

– 12 Hand Release Push-Ups

– 15 Sit-Ups

– 18/14 Calorie Row

* Goal: 4+ Rounds

* Level 3: RX+ (Wear a Vest)

* Level 2: RX (No Vest)

* Level 1: 9 Band Assisted Push-Ups (or Push-Ups on Knees), 12 Sit-Ups, 15/12 Calorie Row

* See workout notes below.
* Allow 4:00 to REST and prepare before transitioning into Accessory work.


4.) 6:00 EMOM (48:00-54:00)

Minute 1: 50’ Gun Walk (25’ Down + 25’ Back SLOW w/Plate) (

Minute 2: :20E Side Plank w/Hip Abduction (


5.) (56:00-60:00)

Minute 1: :20E Twisted Cross

Minute 2: :45 Puppy Pose

Minute 3-4: Shavasana


S.F.P. Notes:

Pull-Ups DO NOT need to be unbroken, but should be completed with FULL ROM and under :45 within the interval. If you DO NOT know your 1RM Bench Press, please perform these sets with a weight that you could complete 8-10 standard reps (without tempo) if you had to. You can build slightly in weight on the bench press if you’d like but do not exceed 60% of your 1RM. Tempo for Bench Press is performed by taking :03 to lower the barbell, make controlled contact with the chest, pressing with speed, and taking a :01 brief pause at the top to ensure a complete lockout.

E.S.D. Notes:

Move at a reserved pace on your first round to get a feel for each movement and the time involved with completing each piece. Evaluate during that round whether you can maintain that pace or increase your speed slightly. If the gymnastics movements are something you excel at, keep them smooth, with minimal rest, and pick up speed on your row pace.