Murph WOD and BBQ on Monday 5/30: We are running 4 heats staggered every 30 minutes (9:30am, 10:00am, 10:30am, 11:00am). There will be a 25 MEMBER limit on each heat. Your friends and families CAN workout in your heat. This means there will potentially be more than 25 people in each heat but will give us a rough limit on athletes. You, as a MEMBER, MUST register for a time slot. REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN on 5/30 for the heats.
CrossFit ATR – CrossFit
1a.) Before Class Hour
– Foam Roll: T-Spine/Lat/Pec/Calf
– Banded Lat/Bicep: :30E
– Tall Kneeling Single Arm KB Bottoms Up Press: 2 X 8E (w/:02 Pause at Top)
1b.) (0:00-15:00)
– 200M Run
– 30’ Quad w/Reach
– 30’ Knee Hug to Inverted Toe Touch
– 30’ Hip Cradle
– 30’ Super Lunge (World’s Greatest Stretch)
– 30’ T-Inchworm w/Push-Up
– 1:00 Single Unders
* Use whatever remaining time to demo movement, explain the flow of the S.F.P, and allow athletes to grab equipment and weight.
2.) Every 1:20 for 6 Alternating Sets (15:00-23:00)
Set 1: 12 Alternating Seesaw DB Bench Press
Set 2: 12E Single Arm Bench Plank DB Row
* See workout notes below.
* Allow 7:00 for athletes to put equipment away and to brief E.S.D.
Alternating Seesaw DB Bench Press
Single Arm Bench Plank DB Row
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
2.) Winter Soldier
20:00 AMRAP: (30:00-50:00)
– 15/12 Calorie Row
– 3 Rope Climb
– 45 Double Unders
– 3 Wall Walk
* Goal: 4+ Rounds
* Level 3: RX
* Level 2: 1-2 RC, 3 Attempts MAX DU or 30, 1-2 Wall Walk
* Level 1: 12/9 Calorie Row, 1-2 Lying Pull to Stand RC, 45 Single Unders, 1-2 Half-ROM Wall Walks
* See workout notes below.
* Allow 5:00 for athletes to prepare for Adaptation.
3.) (55:00-60:00)
Minute 1: :45 Rig Assisted Calf (R)
Minute 2: :45 Rig Assisted Calf (L)
Minute 3: :45 Alternating Lean in Puppy Pose (Press forearm into floor alternating for :03 on each side)
Minute 4-5: Shavasana
S.F.P. Notes:
For the Seesaw DB Bench Press, one dumbbell descends while pressing the other dumbbell out. For the single arm dumbbell rows, if the athlete is having an issue maintaining a plank position, have them bring their legs in closer to the bench for more support.
E.S.D. Notes:
Each cyclical movement (Row/DU) is going to have an effect on the gymnastics movement following. Be conservative with your pace on the row so you can attack the rope climbs with a level of confidence and consistency between reps. Think the same thing with breaking up the double unders before going into your wall walks.
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