Murph WOD and BBQ on Monday 5/30: We are running 4 heats staggered every 30 minutes (9:30am, 10:00am, 10:30am, 11:00am). There will be a 25 MEMBER limit on each heat. Your friends and families CAN workout in your heat. This means there will potentially be more than 25 people in each heat but will give us a rough limit on athletes. You, as a MEMBER, MUST register for a time slot. REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN on 5/30 for the heats.
CrossFit ATR – CrossFit
1a.) Before Class Hour
– Foam Roll: Quads/Adductors/Glutes/Hamstrings
– Adductor Rocks: 10E (Slow)
– Single Leg Extended Glute Bridge: 2 X 10E
1b.) 1 Round (0:00-12:00)
– 400M Run
– 8E Shoulder CARs
– 8E Bird Dog w/:01 Pause at Extension
– 8E Inverted Toe Touch
– 20 Band Pull Aparts
– 20 Banded Good Morning
* In the remaining time, brief S.F.P (Foundation/Prep) and allow athletes to grab barbells.
2a.) Foundation/Prep: (REST :30 between sets) (12:00-18:00)
– 3 X 1 Snatch Pull + 1 A/K Power Snatch
– 3 X 1 Snatch Pull + 1 B/K Power Snatch
* See workout notes below.
* Allow 6:00 for athletes to grab weight and prepare for S.F.P (Power Snatch).
Power Snatch (1 @ 90% every 1:15 for 8 sets)
2b.) Power Snatch: Every 1:15 for 8 Sets: (24:00-34:00)
– 1 Power Snatch w/90%
* See workout notes below.
* Allow 4:00 to brief E.S.D, demo any movements, and for athletes to prepare equipment for the workout.
Randy (Time)
For Time:
75 Power Snatches, 75# / 55#
In honor of Randy Simmons, 51, a 27 year LAPD veteran and SWAT team member who was killed February 6 in the line of duty.
* Goal: <5:00, Time Cap: 8:00
* Level 3: RX
* Level 2: RX
* Level 1: (45/35)
* See workout notes below.
* REST 4:00 then proceed to the next conditioning piece.
Metcon (Time)
4.) 400M Time Trial
For Time: (50:00-55:00)
– 400M Run Time Trial
* Goal: <2:30, Time Cap: 5:00
* See workout notes below.
* Allow 2:00 for athletes to prepare for Adaptation.
5.) (57:00-60:00)
Minute 1: :45 Standing Straddle
Minute 2: :20E Eagle in Saddle
Minute 3: :20E Twisted Cross
S.F.P. 2a.) Notes:
Complete all sets of “Snatch Pull + Above the Knee Power Snatch” before moving on to the next progression. Take :30 REST between sets.
S.F.P. 2b.) Notes:
If you DO NOT know your 1RM Power Snatch, please choose a weight that is high in difficulty but still allows you to move with a measure of technical proficiency and speed. Your Power Snatches should be at a weight that is heavier than what you moved on 04.25.22.
E.S.D. 3.) Notes:
With how light the barbell weight is, be aggressive with moving through this piece in terms of how many reps you perform before setting the bar down.
E.S.D. 4.) Notes:
Take your first 50M to build to a faster pace than you would typically run a mile. After ¾ of the run is complete, try to finish strong at the end of the final 75-100M.
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