CrossFit ATR – CrossFit

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1a.) Before Class Hour

– Foam Roll: T-Spine/Lat/Pec/Calf

– Banded Lat/Bicep: :30E

– Tall Kneeling Single Arm KB Bottoms Up Press: 2 X 8E (w/:02 Pause at Top)


1b.) (0:00-15:00)

– 200M Run

– 30’ Quad w/Reach

– 30’ Knee Hug to Inverted Toe Touch

– 30’ Hip Cradle

– 30’ Super Lunge (World’s Greatest Stretch)

– 30’ T-Inchworm w/Push-Up

– 200M Run

* Use whatever remaining time to demo movement, explain the flow of the S.F.P, and allow athletes to grab equipment and weight.


2.) Every 1:20 for 6 Alternating Sets (15:00-23:00)

Set 1: 12 Alternating Top-Down DB Bench Press (

Set 2: 12E Split Stance Single Arm KB Row (

* See workout notes below.

* Allow 7:00 for athletes to put equipment away and to brief E.S.D.

Alternating Top-Down DB Bench Press

Split Stance Single Arm KB Row


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

3.) “Peter”

20:00 AMRAP:

– 400M Run

– 20 Burpee Pull-Ups

* Goal: 4+ Rounds

* Level 3: RX

* Level 2: Burpee to 6″ Target

* Level 1: No-Push-Up Burpee

* See workout notes below.
* Allow 5:00 for athletes to prepare and transition into Adaptation.


4.) (55:00-60:00)

Minute 1: :45 Calf Stretch (R)

Minute 2: :45 Calf Stretch (L)

Minute 3: :20E Twisted Cross

Minute 4-5: Shavasana


S.F.P. Notes:

For the Top-Down DB Bench Press, one dumbbell stays locked out over the chest while the other dumbbell is being moved under control down to the chest and back up to lockout. For the single arm kettlebell rows, if the athlete is having an issue maintaining a proper back position, have them support their other arm on a bench.

E.S.D. Notes:

Run at a moderate pace so that you can get right to work on the burpee pull-ups. Pick a bar that is only a couple inches above max reach so that after your burpee, you can jump to assist in pulling your chin over the bar. If you want added difficulty, pick a higher bar and perform more of a kip or even strict pull-up variation to finish the rep.