CrossFit ATR – CrossFit
OLY/Barbell class has been moved to Saturday 4/16 @3pm (instead of Sunday).
1.) 1 Round (0:00-12:00)
– 1:00 Ride/Row (Build In Pace every :20)
– 15 Scapular Pull-Ups
– 12 Alternating Shoulder Taps in Plank
– 8 Push-Up Plus (Full ROM Push-Up w/Scapular Abduction/Flexion/Protraction at top)
– 8E Single Arm Ring Row
* Use the rest of the time to brief S.F.P, demo movement, and allow athletes to prepare.
2.) BENCH PRESS/PULL-UP: Every 2:00 for 8 Sets (12:00-28:00)
Sets 1-4: 4 Bench Press w/70% 1RM
Sets 5-8: 4 Weighted Strict Pull-Ups
* Level 3 (Pull-Ups): RX
* Level 2 (Pull-Ups): Unweighted Pull-Ups
* Level 1 (Pull-Ups): :06 Negative Strict Pull-Up (Jump chin above bar, use band if necessary)
* See workout notes below.
* Allow 6:00 for athletes to grab water and prepare for E.S.D.
Bench Press (4 x 4 @ 70%)
Weighted Pull-ups (1 x 4)
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
3.) “Edward Smith”
10:00 AMRAP (34:00-44:00)
– 12/9 Calorie Row
– 12 DB Bench Press (50/35)
– 21 Wall Balls (20/14)
* Goal: 3+ Rounds
* Level 3: RX
* Level 2: DB (40/30)
* Level 1: 9/7 Calorie Row, DB (30/20), WB (14/10)
* See workout notes below.
* Allow 4:00 to clean up equipment, demo movement, and to prepare for accessory work.
4.) 6:00 Alternating EMOM (48:00-54:00)
Minute 1: 12 Half Kneeling DB Curl to Press (R)
Minute 2: 12 Half-Kneeling DB Curl to Press (L)
* Allow 2:00 for athletes to put dumbbells away and transition to adaptation.
5.) 4:00 EMOM (56:00-60:00)
Minute 1: :45 Banded Lat (R)
Minute 2: :45 Banded Lat (L)
Minute 3: :20E Rig Assisted Pec Stretch
Minute 4: :20E Eagle in Saddle
S.F.P. Notes:
Pull-Ups DO NOT need to be unbroken, but should be completed with FULL ROM and under :45 within the interval. If you DO NOT know your 1RM Bench Press, please perform these sets with a weight that you could complete 7-8 reps with if you had to. Use the same weight across your sets BUT make sure you are lifting more than you did on 03.29.22. Bring the bar to your chest and lock out your elbows pausing for :01 at the top of every rep.
E.S.D. Notes:
Move at 70-75% effort on the row to set yourself up so that you are ready to get right on the DB Bench Press. Bench Press should be unbroken or done in NO MORE than 2 quick sets. Take as much time as you need walking over to your wall ball BUT when you get there, it’s time to get to work!
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