CrossFit ATR – CrossFit

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1.) 1 Round (0:00-8:00)

– 200M Run

– 15 Scapular Pull-Ups

– 8E Half Kneeling Banded Lat Pulldown

– 8 Sumo Squat w/Thoracic Reach + Stand

– 4E Single Arm KB Thruster (Light)

* Allow 5:00 to brief S.F.P and for athletes to prepare.


Metcon (Weight)

2.) Every 2:00 for 6 Sets (13:00-25:00)

Sets 1-3: 5 Weighted Strict Pull-Ups (AHAP)

Sets 4-6: 10 Unweighted Strict Pull-Ups *

* Level 3: RX (S1-3: Weighted, S4-6: Unweighted)

* Level 2: S1-3: Unweighted, S4-6: Banded

* Level 1: Jumping/Banded/Low Bar (Barbell in Rack) Negative (:03 Eccentric), Banded Lat Pulldown

Rx+ If you get all 30 strict pull-ups on sets 4-6.
* Allow 7:00 to brief E.S.D, and for athletes to prepare.


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

3a.) 7:00 AMRAP: (32:00-39:00)

– 200M Run

– 25 Wall Balls (20/14)

* REST 4:00 then proceed to the next AMRAP.

* Goal: 3+ Rounds

* Level 3: RX

* Level 2: 20 WB (20/14)

* Level 1: 20 WB (14/10)
* REST 4:00 then proceed to the next AMRAP.

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

3b.) 7:00 AMRAP: (43:00-50:00)

– 300’ Shuttle Run (Performed 25’ Down + 25’ Back) *

– 20 Pull-Ups

* Goal: 3+ Rounds

* Level 3: RX

* Level 2: 15 Pull-Ups

* Level 1: 10 Pull-Ups OR 15 Banded Pull-Ups
* Allow 4:00 for athletes to prepare for adaptation.


4.) 6:00 Alternating EMOM (54:00-60:00)

Minute 1: :45 Banded Lat (R)

Minute 2: :45 Banded Lat (L)Minute 3: :45 Rig Assisted Calf Stretch (R)

Minute 4: :45 Rig Assisted Calf Stretch (L)

Minutes 5-6: Shavasana


S.F.P. Notes:

Your Weighted Pull-Ups DO NOT have to be unbroken, but MUST be completed under :30-:40 to allow for some recovery time going into your next weighted set. This is a vertical pulling STRENGTH session. Lock your arms out at the bottom and get your chin over the bar at the top. Vary your grip for each set of the unweighted strict pull-ups. Start with a Wide Grip for Set 4, then a mixed grip with one hand supinated and one hand pronated, then switch your mixed grip for the final set.

E.S.D. 3a.) Notes:

Run should be performed at your 1-Mile pace so you can come right off (in) and get on the wall balls. Wall Balls should be able to be performed in NO MORE than 3 Sets (Ex: 10-8-7) with minimal rest between sets.

E.S.D. 3b.) Notes:

Shuttle Run can be performed 25’ Down + 25’ Back (6 Trips) either inside or outside. Athlete needs to touch each 25’ line (imaginary) with a single hand. Break the pull-ups into confident sets that allow you to take minimal REST. If you can not perform the pull-ups in less than 4 sets (Ex: 4 X 5), then consider a scaling option.