CrossFit ATR – CrossFit

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1a.) 1 Round (0:00-8:00)

– 1:00 Bike (Build intensity every :20)

– 10 Band Dislocates

– 20 Band Pull Aparts

– 20 Banded Good Morning

– 10 Alternating Toe Touch in Plank (Pause :03 whenever returning to plank position)

– 10 Squat Jumps

* Allow 4:00 for athletes to put bands away and to grab barbells for S.F.P warm-up.

1b.) Snatch Specific Warm-Up: 3 Rounds (REST 1:00 between) (12:00-20:00)

– 3 Tall Muscle Snatch

– 3 Position Power Snatch (Hip, Knee, Mid-Shin/Floor)

– 3 OHS w/:03 Pause in Bottom Position

* Allow athletes 3:00 to grab any additional weight (Light) and prepare for S.F.P.


2.) (Snatch): Every 1:30 for 9 Sets (23:00-36:30)

Sets 1-3: 1 Snatch Pull + 1 A/K Power Snatch + 1 OHS w/Light-Moderate

Sets 4-6: 1 Snatch Pull + 1 B/K Power Snatch + 1 OHS

Sets 7-9: 1 Snatch Pull + 1 Power Snatch + 1 OHS

A/K: Above knee

B/K: Below knee

* Allow 6:00 to brief E.S.D, demo any movements, and allow athletes to grab water and adjust their bars.

Power Snatch

Overhead Squat


Metcon (Time)

3.) 4 Rounds for Time: (43:00-53:00)

– 15 Box Jump Over (24″/20″)

– 12 Deadlifts (155/105)

– 9 Hang Power Clean (155/105)

* Goal: Sub 8:00, Time Cap: 10:00

* Level 3: RX

* Level 2: Barbell (115/85)

* Level 1: Barbell (75/55), Box Step Overs
* Allow 3:00 for athletes to put their barbells away, grab water, and meet for adaptation.


4.) (56:00-60:00)

Minute 1: Couch (R) Minute 2: Couch (L)

Minute 3: :20E Lizard

Minute 4: :45 Puppy Pose


S.F.P. Notes:

This is a DELOAD Week after finishing the Open. Weight should be kept relatively light and with a focus on technique. When the technique and/or speed is lost, we have too much weight on the bar.

E.S.D. Notes:

This piece is constructed so that you can move with minimal rest between movements and complete relatively fast. If you are looking at a particular movement here and foresee yourself getting held up, please consider a scaling option. Start this piece off in a conservative fashion and think about trying to increase pace as you move round to round.