CrossFit ATR – CrossFit

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1.) 1 Round (0:00-8:00)

– 400M Run

– 30’ Quad w/Reach

– 30’ Knee Hug to Inverted Toe Touch

– 30’ Hip Cradle

– 30’ Samson Lunge w/Lateral Flexion

– 30’ Inchworm w/Push-Up

* Allow 10:00 for athletes to grab water, brief the E.S.D, and cover rope climb technique.


Metcon (5 Rounds for time)

2.) “Roue de Hamster”

Every 6:00 for 5 Sets (18:00-48:00)

– 12/9 Calorie Bike

– 200M Run

– 15/12 Calorie Ski

– 3 Rope Climb (15’)

* REST remainder of interval.

* Level 3: RX

* Level 2: 1-2 Rope Climb

* Level 1: 10/8 Calorie Bike, 100M Run, 10/8 Calorie Ski, 1-2 Lying Pull to Stand RC Variation
* Allow 4:00 for athletes to grab water and move on to the ADAPTATION.


4.) 8:00 Alternating EMOM (52:00-60:00)

Minute 1: :20E Lizard

Minute 2: :20E Half Kneeling Hamstring Stretch

Minute 3: :45 Pretzel (R)

Minute 4: :45 Pretzel (L)


E.S.D. Notes:

This piece is for you all to work on a skill under fatigue and to help promote a ton of blood flow in a low impact setting to help everyone feel good for their Open attempts on Friday.