CrossFit ATR – CrossFit

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1.) 1 Round (0:00-8:00)

– 2:00 Row (Increase pace every :30)

– 15E Side Lying Hip Abduction + Adduction

– 12 Push-Up to Alternating Toe Touch

– 8E Staggered Stance KB RDL

* Allow 10:00 for E.S.D briefing and to allow athletes to prepare and warm-up to deadlift weight.


Metcon (5 Rounds for time)

2.) Every 5:00 for 25:00 (5 Sets) (18:00-43:00)

– 15/12 Calorie Row

– 15 Lateral Burpee Over Bar

– 12 Deadlift (225/155)

* Goal: EACH round Sub 3:00. Time Cap: 4:00 EACH round

* Level 3: RX

* Level 2: 12/9 Calorie Row, 12 BFB, Deadlift (165/115) OR 50% 1RM

* Level 1: 10/8 Calorie Row, 9 BFB, 9 Deadlift (155/105) OR 50% 1RM

* Allow 3:00 extra minutes for athletes to clean up the barbell and move on to accessory work.


3.) 6:00 Alternating EMOM (46:00-52:00)

Minute 1: :45 Plank

Minute 2: :20E Side Plank

Minute 3: :45 Hamstring Plank (Legs Extended out on heels w/Slight Knee Bend)

* Allow for 2:00-3:00 before moving into ADAPTATION.


4.) 5:00 Alternating EMOM

Minute 1: :20E Lizard

Minute 2: Cat/Cow Transitions

Minute 3: :20E Twisted Cross

Minute 4-5: Shavasana (Eyes Closed, Arms by sides, :04 Inhale, :06-:08 Exhale)


E.S.D. Notes:

These rounds are meant to hit fairly quickly. Think about moving around 80-85% effort and holding on to that pace. The row should be finished under :45. Move immediately onto the lateral burpees moving smoothly, staying low, and getting over the bar quickly. Deadlifts should be challenging (50-55% 1RM) but at a weight you can perform unbroken. If you are unable to perform a round Sub 4:00, please move down a scaling option.

* Class Flow Notes: If you have more athletes than rowers, Start a second group of athletes at the 3:00 mark on the clock so enough time has passed for group 1 to get past the rowing calories, first set of burpees, and on to the deadlifts.