CrossFit ATR – CrossFit
3 Rounds of:
0:20 L-Sit
0:30 GHD Hip Extension Hold
0:40 Tempo Goblet Squat*
*Tempo: 10 Seconds Down, 20 Seconds Bottom, 10 Seconds Up
1:00 Couch Stretch (per side)
1:00 KB Ankle Mobility Drill (per side)
(Barbell Review of how to safely ditch a barbell)
Back Squat Party (Weight)
Starting at 135 perform 2 back squats EMOM
Add 10 pounds per minute up to 225 pounds.
Add 5 pounds per minute until you cannot complete the 2 reps.
Women start at 75 pounds and go up by 10’s until 135. After 135 go up by 5 pounds.
Score is highest weight completed. If you cannot squat more than 250/165, please scale starting weights back so that you can last more than 15 minutes. If it happens to add up and you fail earlier than expected, perform back-off sets back down to your starting point.
Metcon (No Measure)
2 min Foam Roll Quads
2 min Foam Roll T-Spine
2 min Foam Roll Quads
1:30 Couch Stretch / side
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