CrossFit ATR – CrossFit

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The Skill Review will begin at the START of the class.

Skill Review

Addressing Rowing Faults/Technique:

Pull to Late

Pull to High

Incomplete Pull

Too Much Bounce in Chain

Arms Return First

Body Returns Slow & Fully to Catch




Metcon (6 Rounds for time)

2 Rounds of:

Every 4 Minutes, alternating between:

-Row 500/420 meters

-30 Burpees

-Run 400 meters

Every 4 Minutes, for two full rounds, you are to complete the required work load for time. Rest the remaining time of each 4 minute window.

(Total of 24 Minutes)


Deadlift (17 Minutes to a heavy Double)

This would be a great day to partner up into pairs of 2-3 people.