CrossFit ATR – CrossFit

December 4th Save the date!! CrossFit ATR’s 9th anniversary holiday party!!! Theme: Summer in December! What is more San Diego than wearing Hawaiian shirts and grass skirts in the middle of Winter?!?! Potluck style, BYOB… more details to follow 😉

Thanksgiving Schedule:
Thursday (Thanksgiving): Bring your family and friends to get a workout in before the feasting begins 8:30am!

Friday: 9:30am and 10:30 am (also open to friends and family)

View Public Whiteboard


Metcon (No Measure)

5 Minute AMRAP:

:10 Hanging L-Hold

4 PVC Passes


4 Perfect Lunges with Rotations

Then, coach led OHS Skill Development.

Skill Development

Overhead Squats from the Rack


Overhead Squat (2 OHS every 1:30 x 8 (increasing if form permits))


Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)

In 3 minutes complete:

200m Run

15 Bar Facing Burpees

Max Front Squats (75/55lbs) (RX+ Overhead Squats)

Rest 3:00

In 3 minutes complete:

200m Run

12 Bar Facing Burpees

Max Front Squats (95/65lbs) (RX+ Overhead Squats)

Rest 3:00

In 3 minutes complete:

200m Run

9 Bar Facing Burpees

Max Front Squats (115/85lbs) (RX+ Overhead Squats)
Each 3 Minute AMRAP is scored separately as Max Reps Squats.

Scale the load accordingly in order to keep the load light on the first round and increase slowly over all three rounds.