CrossFit ATR – CrossFit

December 4th Save the date!! CrossFit ATR’s 9th anniversary holiday party!!! Theme: Summer in December! What is more San Diego than wearing Hawaiian shirts and grass skirts in the middle of Winter?!?! Potluck style, BYOB… more details to follow 😉

Thanksgiving Schedule:
Thursday (Thanksgiving): Bring your family and friends to get a workout in before the feasting begins 8:30am!

Friday: 9:30am and 10:30 am (also open to friends and family)

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2 Rounds:

20 Calories

8 GHD Hip Extension

8 Scorpions

5 Chin ups (assisted)

5 Dips (assisted)

Accessory Work

Turkish Get Up ((15 Minutes))

Increasing in Load:

1 Turkish Get-up (per side)

8 Dumbbell Rows (per side)

10 Toes to Bar


Metcon (Time)

For Time:

1000m Row

25 Chin Ups (STRICT)

50 Strict Bar Dips

25 Chin Ups (STRICT)

1.5 Mile Assault Bike
You can start this metcon with the bike or rower.

Accessory Work

Bicep Curls (10-10-8-6 (alternating))

Alternating db curls