CrossFit ATR – Mike Trezza

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Metcon (No Measure)

2 Rounds:

400m Run

12 Russian KBS (mod/heavy)

12 Walking Lunges

5 PVC Passes

:20/ side DB Overhead Hold (25-30lbs)

Accessory Work

2:00 of an accumulated Hollow Hold


Deadlift (details below)

(1 Rep Every 1:30 till a heavy)

3 Reps Increasing until 80%

Then, 1 Rep increasing to a heavy Single.


Metcon (Time)

5 Rounds for Time:

10 Unbroken Deadlifts (heavy but unbroken)

20 Dumbbell Push Press (25-30lbs)

30 Walking Lunges

Pick a DL weight that is challenging but good form for 10’s