CrossFit ATR – Megan Trezza

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3 Rounds:

200m Run

10 Log Rolls

10 D-ball Slams (40/30lbs)

10 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (moderately heavy)

Accessory Work

Metcon (Distance)

EMOM x 12 Minutes:

Minute 1: 10 Wipers (laying on your back legs go across your body)

Minute 2: 10 Empty Barbell Good Mornings

Minute 3: 5 Big Jumps (pick something about 1-2′ above you and try to reach it)
Tracking height of your jump (estimate).


Metcon (Time)

2 Rounds:

30 DB Box Step Overs (20-25’s @ 18″)

30 Pull-ups

30 Calories (Scale as Run 600m)

30 Hanging Knee Raises

30 Devil’s Presses (20-25’s)

**Keep a flat back on your devils presses.