CrossFit ATR – Mike Trezza
Barbell Warm-up (No Measure)
(10 Minute CAP)
2 Rounds:
20 Banded Lateral Steps (bands on ankles)
10 Banded Squats (bands on knees)
10 Banded Glute Bridges w/ pause at top (bands on knees)
10 Cossack Squats
:20 Hanging L-Hold
5 PVC Passes
At the 10 minute mark, we will gather at the TV for todays WOD breakdown.
Front Squat ((25 Minutes) 5 x 1 @ the same load )
Over 8-10 Minutes, build to 95+% of your 1 RM Front Squat. Then, Complete 5 x 1 at the same load.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
14 Minute AMRAP:
200m Run
20 Perfect Push-ups
25 Air Squats
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