CrossFit ATR – Mike Trezza

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Barbell Warm-up (No Measure)

(10 Minute CAP)

2 Rounds:

20 Banded Lateral Steps (bands on ankles)

10 Banded Squats (bands on knees)

10 Banded Glute Bridges w/ pause at top (bands on knees)

10 Cossack Squats

:20 Hanging L-Hold

5 PVC Passes

At the 10 minute mark, we will gather at the TV for todays WOD breakdown.


Power Snatch

Power Snatch ((Details Below))

Every 1:15 complete 1 Power Snatch.

Weight Jumps:


Stop after two failed attempts if you do not clear 145lbs.


Isabel (Time)

For Time: 30 Snatches, 135# / 95#
135lbs is at the top of your snatch range. If after the EMOM above, you feel good with 135 for singles then try to complete this at 135.

If 135 is not going to move for singles efficiently then cut it down to 125lbs