CrossFit ATR – Mike Trezza

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Shoulder Warmup #2 (No Measure)

2 Rounds:

5 Burpees

10 Band Pull Aparts (Palms Down)

10 Cuban Presses

5 PVC Passes

10/10 External Rotation (Low)

5 DB Strict Press (Per Side)

8 Minute Cap. then gathering at the TV for the WOD breakdown.


Shoulder Press ((22 Minutes) 5 x 1 @ the same load )

Over 6-8 Minutes, build to 95+% of your 1 RM Press. Then, Complete 5 x 1 at the same load.


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

14 Minute AMRAP:

200 Meter Run

12 Push Press (95lbs)

12 Pull-ups

24 Hollow Rocks