CrossFit ATR – CrossFit

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8 Minute AMRAP:

200m Run

5 Push-ups

10 Walking Lunges

:20 Hollow Hold


Metcon (Time)

In teams of two, divide the reps as you see fit. Both partners must complete each run together.

For Time:

*100 Russian KBS (53/35lbs) RX+ (71/44lbs)

400m Run

75 Lateral Box Step Overs (20/14lbs) (RX+ 40/30lbs)

400m Run

50 Pull-ups (RX+ 15 Bar Muscle ups)

400m Run

75 Push-ups

400m Run

*100 Wall Balls (20/14lbs) (10’/9′) (RX+ 11’/10′)

*For the opening Round of 100 R-KBS, while the one partner is accumulating Reps, the other partner must be holding a front plank.

*For the closing Round of 100 Wall Balls, while the one partner is accumulating Reps, the other partner must be holding a Wall Squat.