CrossFit ATR – CrossFit

Log onto our Zoom Classes @ 12 and 6pm for more detailed scaling and equipment subs!

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3 Rounds:

3 Sided Plank (:30 Side)

1:00 Y,T,W Flow (Keep your head down and try to keep the hands off the floor for the whole 1:00) Hesitate at each position for a three count before moving to the next)

TYW Video Breakdown:

After the warm-up take a few minutes to warm-up up your workout variation and to discuss any subs with coaches on Zoom.


pick the metcon that best fits your equipment availability

Metcon (3 Rounds for time)

“Mashed Potatoes”

On the 0:00…

5 Rounds of “Cindy”

50 Single Dumbbell Power Cleans (alternate every 5 reps)

On the 10:00…

4 Rounds of “Cindy”

40 Dumbbell Goblet Squats

On the 20:00…

3 Rounds of “Cindy”

30 Alternating Single Arm Squat Clean Thrusters (alternate every rep)

*Strict Cindy

5 Strict Pull-ups

10 Push-ups

15 Air Squats

(((RX+))) Barbell Power Cleans, Front Squat, Clusters (around 115/75lbs)

Today’s WOD is 3 separate metcons. Each metcon is 10 minutes long. You will need to complete the required “Cindy” or “Sindee” depending on your equipment availability + the extra reps of the Cleans squats or thrusters. Your rest period will depend on the time it takes you to finish each metcon. For example, In the first 10 minute window if you finish the 5 Rounds of Cindy + the 50 Cleans in 7:00 then you have a 3 minute rest window. If you finish in 9:30 you will only have a :30 rest window.

Track each 10 minute window as its own metcon.

Metcon (Time)

“Kinda Mashed Potatoes”

On the 0:00…

5 Rounds of “Sindee”

60 Odd-Object Ground to Shoulder (Slam Ball, WallBall, Backpack, etc) (Around 40/30lbs)

On the 10:00…

4 Rounds of “Sindee”

50 Odd-Object Squats

On the 20:00…

3 Rounds of “Sindee”

40 Odd-Object Thrusters


10 Push-ups

20 Air squats

Accessory Work

Metcon (Time)

100 Dips for Time
in notes mark if you used a couch, bar or rings for dips


Metcon (No Measure)

Active & Passive Doorway Stretch:

(Watch from 2:00- 3:00)
Accumulate 5 minutes of the Active and Passive Doorway Stretch.