CrossFit ATR – CrossFit

Log onto our Zoom Classes @ 12 for more detailed scaling, WOD breakdown and equipment subs!
Barbell Club Zoom @ 6pm

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30 Air Squats

20 Alternating Step Back Lunges

10 Scorpions

5 Inchworms w/ 3 Push-ups at the bottom


3 Rounds:

10 Alternating Lateral Squats (Video:

10 Wipers


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

13 min AMRAP

30 Step Back Lunge (right)

15 Hand Release Push Up

30 Step Back Lunge (left)

15 Hand Release Push Up

Accessory Work

Metcon (Weight)

5 Rounds:

10-15 Bent Over Rows (each side)

10-15 Dips

:30 Side Plank Hold (each side)
20 Minutes

(Score is weight used on the ROWS)

Building in weight each round if possible. You can adjust reps depending on the weight you have accessible. More reps for lighter loads.


Rows can be done with a Rings, TRX, Barbell, 1 DB or 2 DBs together OR a heavy backpack

Dips can be done as couch dips, Ring Dips or Bar Dips.