CrossFit ATR – CrossFit

We will be hosting Zoom classes starting today @ 12 and 6pm.

Here is the link to join into our Zoom Online classes:,
****PASSWORD: 12345****

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2 Rounds:

10 Cossack Squats

10 Alternating Single Leg RDL

:30 Front Plank Hold (from our hands not elbows)

:30 Squat Hold (:30 active hold from the bottom of your air squat)


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

12 Minute AMRAP:

20 Push-Ups (or inverted push-ups on box)

30 Two-Count Mountain Climbers

40 Bent over Rows

50 Two Count Bicycle Sit-Ups
Scale for bent over rows:

Barbell Rows (around 135/95lbs) (looking for an opening set of 12-15 reps)

Single-arm Dumbbell Rows (around 70/40) looking for an opening set of 8-10 reps) (20 reps per side not 40 per side)

Ring Rows or pullups. Should be able to open up with a set of 12-15 reps. Looking for a tougher variation on ring rows!

If you do not have any equipment fill a backpack with as much weight as you can and follow the single arm dumbbell row protocol. (20 reps per side)


Rest 3:00 Between Metcons

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)

5 Rounds:

(20 seconds work/10 seconds rest)

Step Back Lunges (Left Leg)

Step Back Lunges (Right Leg)

Hollow Hold

Plank Shoulder Taps
Tracking total tabatas completed.

All 5 Rounds completed would be a max score of 20.

Accessory Work

Goblet Squat (5 x 8 Mex Effort Jump Squats)

You can use a Dumbbell, Kettle bell, Backpack, Child, Dog, anything to increase load.

build in weight until you have found a moderate to heavy 8 Reps. Then, complete 5 sets of 8 Reps at the same weight. Rest :90-2:00 between sets.

This week we are adding speed to your squats to increase difficulty. Tempo this week is: 4 seconds on the way down then. from an active bottom position, max effort jump. Make sure to land soft after each jump.

Front Squat (5 sets x 6 reps @ the same load )

(20 Minutes)

Build in weight until you have found a moderate to heavy 6 Reps (3-5 sets). Then, complete 5 sets of 6 Reps at the same weight.

Additional options for difficulty:

This week we are adding speed to your squats to increase difficulty. 4 seconds on the way down then, from an active bottom position, max effort jump.