CrossFit ATR – CrossFit
We will be hosting Zoom classes starting today @ 12 and 6pm.
Here is the link to join into our Zoom Online classes:,
****PASSWORD: 12345****
2 Rounds:
10 Pace Perfect Lunge w/ Rotation
5 Reverse Snow Angels
10 Pushups w/ FULL Rotation to a side plank (swap direction each rep)
20 Hollow Rocks
*Zoom Classes will review the Hollow Rock & Plank* * *Ideal positions and scaling both movements*
Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)
Round 1:
4 Minute AMRAP of Air Squats
(Rest 1:00)
Round 2:
3 Minute AMRAP of Burpees w/ 1′ target above standing reach
(Rest 1:00)
Round 3:
4 Minute AMRAP of Push-ups
(Rest 1:00)
Round 4:
3 Minute AMRAP of Hollow Rocks
(Rest 1:00)
**Penalty Round:**
Round 5:
4 Minute Plank Hold (this can be front or side planks and you can rotate from one plan to another WITHOUT touching the floor with anything other than your elbows and feet.
Every time you break to rest on the plank you must subtract 5 Reps from EACH of your previous Rounds.
EX. I complete 200 Air Squats, 75 Burpees, 75 push-ups, 200 Hollow Rocks. I also break 5 times in the plank Hold 5 Breaks x 5 reps = 25 rep penalty. My score would be 25 less reps in each of the above scores due to penalty round. My final score would be (175,50,50,175). Track your number of breaks for the plank in comments.
Kelly and I were both able to go all 4 minutes without going down. It is hard but it is very possible to go unbroken!
Accessory Work
Shoulder Press (5 x 8 @ same weight)
(20 minutes)
Build in weight to a moderate load (3-5 sets). Then, complete 5 sets of 8 Reps at the same weight.
Barbell Strict Press
Dumbbell Strict Press (Single Dumbbell – 8 per side)
Dumbbell Strict Press (Two Dumbbells together)
Handstand Progressions (Wall Walks )
5 Sets of 5 Wall Walks (5 second hold at the top of each Wall Walk)
Score this as 5 sets of 5 Reps.
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