CrossFit ATR – CrossFit

We will be hosting Zoom classes starting today @ 12 and 6pm.

Here is the link to join into our Zoom Online classes:,
****PASSWORD: 12345****

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2 Rounds:

8 Pace Perfect Lunge w/ Rotation

10 Wipers

30 Hollow Rocks

:30 Side Planks (just side planks)

Long one (Time)

AMRAP in 30 Minutes:

30 Air Squats

20 Box Jumps

10 Burpees

20 Hand Release Push-ups

30 Walking Lunges

200m Run
Sub Box Jumps for Vertical Jumps. Set a target that is around your max height for a vertical Jump. Reach that target for all 20 reps.

Today is a good WOD to be outside!

If you want to stay inside, swap the 200m run for a 1:00 hollow hold..

Accessory Work

Goblet Squat (5 Sets of 12 Reps @ the same weight)

You can use a Dumbbell, Kettle bell, Backpack, Child, Dog, anything to increase load.

build in weight until you have found a moderate to heavy 12 Reps. Then, complete 5 sets of 12 Reps at the same weight.

Add tempo to your squats to increase difficulty. 4 seconds on the way down and 4 seconds at the bottom.

Front Squat (5 Sets of 8 Reps @ the same weight)

Build in weight until you have found a moderate to heavy 8 Reps. Then, complete 5 sets of 8 Reps at the same weight.

Add tempo to your squats to increase difficulty. 4 seconds on the way down and 4 seconds at the bottom.


Metcon (No Measure)

3:00 per side of:

Couch Stretch & Pigeon Stretch