CrossFit ATR – CrossFit
WOD Video Breakdown:
(9:30 Zoom Class for Barbell)
Here is the link to join into our Zoom Online classes:, Meeting ID: 511 972 2721
*****Password: 12345*****
3 Rounds:
10 Hollow Rocks
10 Sit-ups
10 Wipers
20 Glute Bridges (two feet)
Core Development
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)
EMOM x 10
20 Two Count Bicycle Sit-ups
(RX+) 8 Toes-to-bar
Score: Successful minutes completed.
Choose a scale where you can complete multiple rounds of 8 reps at the hardest difficulty possible.
Metcon (Time)
Accumulate 1:00 in each position:
Front Plank (from a push-up position)
Right Side Plank (from your elbow)
Left Side Plank (from your elbow)
Glute Bridge (two feet – hold @ extension)
Front Plank Shoulder Taps
Your score is the total time it takes to accumulate one minute of work over all six exercises.
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