CrossFit ATR – CrossFit

We will be hosting Zoom classes starting today @ 12 and 6pm.

Here is the link to join into our Zoom Online classes:,
****PASSWORD: 12345****

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Accumulate 3:00 of a plank (you can rotate between all 3 side)

10 Perfect Lunges w/ Rotation

2:00 Couch Stretch (per side)


Fat Albert (Time)

50 Air Squats

10 Burpees

40 Butterfly Sit-ups

10 Burpees

30 Reverse Lunges (per leg)

10 Burpees

20 Hand Release Push-ups (Rx+ HSPU)

10 Burpees

20 Hand Release Push-ups (Rx+ HSPU)

10 Burpees

30 Reverse Lunges (per leg)

10 Burpees

40 Butterfly Sit-ups

10 Burpees

50 Air Squats
The reverse lunges are not alternating. All 30 Reps must be completed on the one side before starting the other.

Accessory Work

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Body Weight Reverse Lunges

4 Sets of 20 Reps (per leg)
You must complete all reps on the one leg before starting the other.

DB Lunges (10-10-10-10 (per leg))

Reverse Lunges in place with Dumbbells hanging at your side. 4 Sets of 10/10 per leg.

If you have one dumbbell, you can rest in on your shoulder of the working leg. Ex. Right leg lunges DB is on your right shoulder then swap when you go to opposite leg.

Make sure to complete all 10 reps on one leg before beginning the other leg.

Front Rack Lunge (10-10-10-10 (per leg))

Reverse lunges in place with a barbell in the front rack position. 4 sets of 10/10 per leg


Metcon (No Measure)

This is a good 10 minute post WOD yoga flow for everyone.