CrossFit ATR – CrossFit
We will be hosting Zoom classes starting today @ 12 and 6pm.
Here is the link to join into our Zoom Online classes:, PASSWORD: 12345
2 Rounds of:
5 Double Push-up Burpees
10 DB Cuban Presses
50 ft. Banded (knees) March
15 Banded Squats
Bent Over Row (12 Minutes: Build to a heavy 6-10 reps)
Use a Barbell, Dumbbell (Single Arm), or heavy backpack. Depending on the weights you have adjust your reps to find the burn. You can also hold at the top of each rep for 3 seconds contracting the muscle to increase intensity)
Karen (Time)
For Time:
150 Wall-Ball Shots, 20# / 14#
Choose a weight where you can start off with a set of 20+ and not have it kill you.
IF you do not have a Wall Ball you can sub this workout to a barbell or a dumbbells.
Instead of 150 Wall Balls complete 100 Barbell Thrusters (95/65lb range) or 100 DB Thrusters (60/35lb range). If you do not have 2 Dumbbells the same weight, complete 150 single arm Dumbbell Thrusters alternating each break.
If You do not have any equipment, complete 150 Air Squats. Every time you stop moving on the air squats complete :20 Handstand Hold.
Metcon (No Measure)
2 min Foam Roll Quads
1 min Couch Stretch / side
2 min Wishbone Stretch
1 min Doorway pec stretch /side
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