CrossFit ATR – CrossFit

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3 Rounds of:

5 Push-up Inchworms

5 PVC Passes

5 PVC Shoulder Press

5 PVC Back Squats



Back Squat (4×10)

If you don’t have enough weight to make this challenging, give yourself a tempo and log it in the comments. If you don’t have a barbell, use your DBs or KBs and add the tempo. Use whatever you have- maybe your wife or your husband even!


Broomstick Mile (Time)

All movements performed with a PVC pipe or broomstick:

25 Back Squats

25 Front Squats

25 Overhead Squats

400 meter Run

25 Shoulder Presses

25 Push Presses

25 Push Jerks

400 meter Run

50 Hang Cleans

400 meter Run

50 Snatches

400 meter Run
You’d be stunned how hard this workout can be.