CrossFit ATR – CrossFit

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1:00 of Double Under attempts


4 min AMRAP of:

6 KB Lateral Squats (light)

9 Air Squats

12 Hollow Rocks


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)

Every 2 minutes x 10 Rounds of:

35 Double Unders

9 Front Squats

Rx: 135/95

Rx+: 155/105 and from floor
Score: Successful rounds completed. Must complete all rounds to click Rx+

Scale double unders to an amount to be done in 30-45 seconds or 3x single unders. Scale squats so that they can be done unbroken for most, if not all rounds.

Accessory Work

(4:00 Rest) Then:

Metcon (No Measure)

EMOM x 10

6 Lateral Sandbag Burpee over Box
You will throw the sandbag across your body over the box, then a lateral burpee box jump over.

Sub a sandbag for a DBall as needed


Metcon (No Measure)

1 min Foam Roll T-Spine

1 min Deadhang

2 min Foam Roll Quads

2 min Lying Wishbone Stretch