CrossFit ATR – CrossFit

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10 Playboys /side (light)

3 Rounds:

5 Inchworms w/ 3 Pushups

20 Band Pull Aparts

0:30 Hanging L-Hold

10 Playboys /side (medium)


Bench Press (5 x 5 @ 80%)

20 Minutes

Build in 5 reps to 80% then 5×5 @ 80%


Metcon (Time)

3 Rounds:

1 Mile/ 0.8 Mile Bike

20 Burpee to 1′ Target

15 Toes to Bar
Sub Toes to Bar to Hanging Leg Raises or 30 Hollow rocks

Accessory Work

Weighted Dips (4 x 8-10)

Adjust load or banded support to keep your reps between the 8-10 rep range.