CrossFit ATR – CrossFit
2 Rounds of:
8 Scap Pull-ups with 0:03 Hold
10 DBx2 Bent Over Rows (med/heavy)
10 Cuban Presses (light)
10 DB Presses (light)
5/5 Push-ups with rotation to side plank
Then: Set up for pull-ups
Weighted Pull-ups (5-5-5)
8 minute timecap
If you cannot perform unassisted pull-ups, perform 5×5 Pull-up Negatives with a 5-count down (use all 14 minutes for this)
Weighted Pull-ups (3×5)
6 minutes
Metcon (Time)
“Deck of Cards” (Teams of 2)
Numbers on cards = reps
Face Cards = 12 reps
Jokers = 600m Run (both)
Aces= 15 Calorie Assault Bike
Spades = Burpees
Hearts = (Rx) Push-ups
(Rx+) Dips
Diamonds = (Rx) 3x Double Unders
(RX+) 4x Double Unders
Clubs = DB Shoulder-to-overhead (Rx: 40/25, Rx+: 60/40lb)
(23 minute timecap)
*both partners must be at the deck before the next card is flipped. one partner works at a time and the reps can be shared as you see fit.
If you reach the cap ,your score is 23: + the number of cards left.
Metcon (No Measure)
1 min Butterfly Stretch
1 min Middle Split Stretch
1 min Calf Stretch / side
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