CrossFit ATR, CrossFit ATR North – CrossFit
10 Pace Perfect Lunge w/ Rotation
50ft Banded Lateral Steps (per side)
10 Scap Pullups
2 Rounds:
5 GHD Hip Extension (w/5-second hold at top)
10 K2E
3 Rounds:
5 Single Arm KB Squats (per side)
20m Light Sled Push
Tempo Front Squats
Note your tempo in comments
Every 3 minutes for 5 rounds:
4 @ 60%
Tempo 4-2-X-0 (4 sec descent + 2 sec hold @ bottom)
*Superset with 20m Sled Push (Options: 270/210/160/90lbs)
Metcon (Time)
Front Squat
Rx: 135/95
Rx+: 155/105
10 minute timecap
Accessory Work
Barbell GHD Hip Extensions (6-6-6-6)
SuperSet by accumulating 0:30 L-Sit Hold
GHD Hip Extension (12 Reps)
PVC GHD Hip Ext (12)
Barbell Hip Ext. 15lb, 35lb,45lb+
The L-Hold is a hanging L-hold from a neutral or prone Grip. Accumulate a total of 0:30 each set.
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