CrossFit ATR, CrossFit ATR North – CrossFit

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15 GHD Hip Extensions

0:30 Hollow Hold

2 Rounds of:

5 Honest Push-ups

10 Banded Ext. Rotations w/ Press

20 Hollow Rocks

2 Rounds of:

10 Wipers

10 Scorpions

0:30 Handstand Progressions


Empty Barbell Warm-up + Drills


Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)

In a 5:00 Window…

100 Double-Under Buy-In

Time remaining, AMRAP:

12 Shoulder-to-overhead (95/65)

4 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)

Rest 5:00

In a 5:00 Window…

100 Double-Under Buy-In

Time remaining, AMRAP:

8 Shoulder-to-overhead (115/85)

4 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)

Rest 5:00

In a 5:00 Window…

100 Double-Under Buy-In

Time remaining, AMRAP:

4 Shoulder-to-overhead (135/95)

4 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)
Each round the 100 DU has a 2 minute timecap. Move on after 2 minutes (unless you’re within a dozen reps, then just finish!)


1 minute in Butterfly Stretch

Accumulate 3 minutes of Couch Stretch per leg.