CrossFit ATR, CrossFit ATR North – CrossFit

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2 Rounds:

Run 200m

20/15 Calorie Assault Bike

10 Cossack Squats

100′ Light Sled Push (Half way down and back)

10 Ring Rows (Ring To Chest)

10 PVC Passes

Ring Dips (10 Minutes)

Take 10 minutes to work on stability and proper movement pattern for the ring dip.

Finish with 3 Sets of Max reps.

Track total reps completed over all 3 sets at bodyweight.

Metcon (Time)

Run 400m

20 Ring Rows (Chest to Ring)

100′ Crab Walk

200′ Sled Sprint (110lbs/90)

800 Run

100′ Crab Walk

20 Ring Rows

200′ Sled Push (110lbs/90)

Run 400m
RX+ Elevated Ring Rows with feet on a 20″ box


15 Minute Mobility/Yoga