CrossFit ATR, CrossFit ATR North – CrossFit

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200m Run

10 PVC Passes

50 ft. Banded Monster Walk

50 ft. Backward Banded Monster Walk

50 ft. Banded Lateral Steps / side

15 Scap Pull-ups

15 Banded Face Pulls

15 GHD Hip Extensions

10 Single-Leg KB RDL / side


Empty Barbell Drills


Front Squat (2 Reps Every 1:30 x 9)

First 4 Sets are 2 Front Squats (from the floor)

Last 5 Sets are 2 Front Squats (from the rack)

Build up in weight throughout*


Metcon (Time)

400m Run

21 Front Squats (155/105)

21 Pull-ups

400m Run

15m Goblet DB Walking Lunges (50/35)

15 Pull-ups

400m Run

9 Front Squats (155/105)

9 Pull-ups

400m Run
18 minute timecap

Choose a front squat weight where you can complete the 21 reps in 2 subsets or less, within a minute. Front squats are from the floor