CrossFit ATR, CrossFit ATR North – CrossFit

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20/14 Calorie Row

5 Double Push-up Inchworms

15 Wall Squats

15 Banded Low Ext. Rotations / side

15 Banded Face Pulls

0:30 PVC Front Rack Stretch / side

15 PVC GHD Hip Extensions

10 Cossack Squats

15 Banded Glute Bridges w/ Pause (SQUEEZE!)

10 Goblet Squats (moderate)

1:00 Barbell Ankle Mobility Work


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)

“Squat Stamina”

Alternating on the minute for 12 minutes (6 Rounds):

Odd minutes: 1 Front Squat (84%)

Even minutes: 3 Back Squats (same weight)
Score: Successful minutes completed.

Predicated on your 1RM Front Squat being 90+% of your Back Squat. If it is less, go heavier on the weight.


Sore Eyes (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

20 min AMRAP of:

20 Wallballs (20/14 to 11/10 ft.)

20 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (53/35)

20 Box Jumps (24/20)

20 Push Presses (75/55)

20/14 Calorie Row
Scale so that all movements can be done unbroken very easily to start.